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podem ler-se nesta página algumas coisas interessantes. destaco as seguintes (bolds meus):

The project aims to install a power station to produce 5 MWe of electricity utilising the biomass waste obtained from the annual cleaning of forestry areas. In addition, up to 15% of non-toxic MSW will be added since there are considerable amounts produced in this region, for which there is no immediate solution.
The project will be located in the zone of Ourém, which is 100 km to the north of Lisbon. The main reason for forestry fires is the accumulation of residues that are left unattended because there are no incentives to clean the forests.
The collection of forestry biomass needs to be organised by local authorities and in that direction there are already important initiatives being taken by municipal authorities.
The design specifications for the project have been elaborated and possible suppliers of the equipment have been contacted. The site in the Ourém area has been selected for the power station. The coordinator of the project was initially the municipal authority of Ourém. However, the Portuguese partners decided to form a company for the management of the project, with varying levels of participation in its capital. This company will then manage the project.
Type of Project Shared Cost
Contract No BM./00036/97
Total Cost 6,027,500 ECU
EC Contribution 1,383,863 ECU
Start Date 01/02/98
Duration 36 Months
Coordinator David CATARINO / Câmara Municipal de Ourém Praça do Município / PORTUGAL

era simpático da parte da câmara comentarem este bolds, no mínimo.

p.s. em ourém não há jornalismo de investigação? só se cobrem inaugurações?

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3 Comentários

Burro. És um grande burro e ignorante.-

admito que sim. talvez me queira iluminar, enta~o.

Pelo menos, nas inaugurações, há sempre "comes & bebes"...


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